Preču grupas

Velotrenažieris Elite ARION Roller

269.95 EUR 229.46 EUR

Praktisks, universāls un vienkāršs velo trenažieris (velo rullis). Treniņš notiek uz Jūsu velosipēda, novietojot to uz trenažiera. Ideāls treniņu partneris rudens-ziemas sezonā, lieliski izmantojams sliktos laika apstākļos jebkurā gadalaikā.

  • Very light frame (approx. 7 kg), ultra strong, in glass fibre reinforced polyamide
  • The parabolic rollers, 85mm in diameter in the middle and 100mm at the sides, make it easy to keep balance on the bicycle
  • Maximum control and ease of pedalling, the wheel is guided towards the middle of the roller
  • The perfectly smooth surface of the rollers and the compound  in anti-static plastic  material reduce noise and tyre wear
  • Platform incorporated in the structure for easier mounting and dismounting
  • Compatible with road bikes and MTBs
  • Compact and foldable, making it easy to store
  • Dimensions: open 141x49,5x16 cm, closed 73x49,5x22 cm

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